thoughts on rabbit housing
Believe it or not, there are 3 rabbits in this photo. Let's talk about space (shown in this photo is over 50 ft², as part of a free-roam home base).
Different sources will tell you varying requirements from minimum 8 ft² to 12 ft². For a pair of rabbits, we recommend at least 16 ft² (a standard exercise pen in a square shape), with an hour or so free-roam time with supervision daily.
The biggest take away from this - NO CAGES (if you're using a hutch, please make sure that your rabbits have room to exercise). I am rarely adamant on how you care for rabbits, but this is one of the few exceptions. Despite the bunny you see on the packaging, most, if not all, cages would be too small for a rabbit to periscope (stand on their hind legs), zoomie (fast running movements) or binky (excited jumps).